, an online digital work created by Maxime Chanson, is designed to help artists discover their artistic singularity. They are compared with recognised artists who share a similar profile, encompassing the same Motor of creation and Means of expression.
Currently, the site hosts dedicated pages for nearly 3000 recognised artists, each featuring:
- Their artistic profile:
- Images and videos of their works;
- Their presence in the international and/or French art scenes;
- A list of other recognised artists sharing a similar artistic profile.
Any contemporary artist can explore their own uniqueness by creating their page, then choosing a Motor and Means from those proposed by the methodology. This process allows contemporary artists to immediately compare themselves with artists who share an artistic profile closely related to their own.
*For more information, see the book 700 Artists'Processes (2013, Éditions Jannink, Paris)
The Book1987 | 2000 | 2003 | 2006 | 2009 | 2012 | 2015 | 2018 | 2021 | 2024 |